Here’s a fair warning: if you’re planning on making a trip down to the new Bird Paradise, you might want to watch out for your belongings, and your person. We’ve recently noticed lots of videos on TikTok warning visitors of the many…antics some of the birds have gotten up to that have caused quite a stir.
@maybekelvin The ✨Destroyers✨ #mandaibirdparadise #birds @Mandai Wildlife Reserve #fyp
TikTok: @maybekelvin
If you didn’t already know, the birds residing in the new park are uncaged, and are allowed to roam freely—which is all fun and games and great for the welfare of the birds, but not so much for the humans visiting the park.
@kevonograph Excuse me my boss watching #sg #birdparadise #lory #mandaiwildlifereserve #fyp @Mandai Wildlife Reserve 📹 @Sengedox Paradox
TikTok: @kevonograph
It seems some of the birds are having a little too much fun with their newfound freedom, and have taken to gnawing at anything and everything they get their pointy beaks on: from the park’s fixtures and signages, to biting at visitors who get too close, and even attempting to eat their phones!

TikTok: @potatooong

TikTok: @kipsicles

TikTok: @kevonograph

TikTok: @maybekelvin
In these TikTok videos we see cockatoos that seem to have developed a taste for iPhone, grabbing hold of one visitor’s phone case and refusing to let go.
@potatooong Birds paradise was eye opening yesterday #tiktoksg #birdparadise
Another cockatoo even gnawed on the phone so hard, the screen itself cracked!
@kipsicles all fun & games 🤪 glad the birds have bigger enclosures now~ #fyp #singapore #tiktoksg #birdparadisesg
TikTok: @kipsicles
The birds’ behaviour is unsurprising; while cockatoos are generally friendly, there are times when they are prone to aggressive behaviour like biting, feather destruction and self-mutilation, especially during their breeding season. So your best bet when interacting with them is to keep a safe distance.

So, consider yourself warned—if you’re going to Bird Paradise, make sure to suit up and brace yourself for some real up close and personal interactions with the birds and keep your personal belongings safely tucked in your bags/pockets.
Bird Paradise
Address: 20 Mandai Lake Rd, Singapore 729825
Opening Hours: 9am-6pm daily